Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Monday to You All:)

I hope you all had a lovely Sunday. It was Mother's Day for us here in the U.S. My husband, daughter, son and I had a really nice time having lunch and relaxing around the house together.
Since Monday is my first workday of the week, it gives me a good feeling. You know, a sense of new beginnings. It's funny, I tend to do the same routines daily and weekly, but something about Monday says, 'See things with new eyes, and look for ways to take care of your responsibilities with new fun twists'. So today, at my sister's suggestion, instead of walking on my treadmill I headed out to our local park. Sorry, I forgot to carry my phone with me so no park pics. They will be forthcoming in the future. It felt so good to be out looking at the squirrels and smelling the Spring! I hope you are getting to enjoy Springtime wherever you are:)
Thanks to Elizabeth at and Joyful at for following along. Also, thank you for all your comments!
All the best,


  1. Walking in the Springtime is so lovely. Here all the hedgerows are full of bluebells and Spring wildflowers.

  2. Walking in park is good than walking in treadmill. You will get good air and enjoy the beautiful environment while walking!

  3. Wanted to thank you for your visit. I see that you are working on building your blog. Have fun with it!
